Forum on Public Diplomacy - fifth edition
21 Jun 2017
The 5th edition of the Forum on Public Diplomacy "Developing a Public Diplomacy for Romania", will be organized by Babeș-Bolyai University in cooperation with the Center for Public Diplomacy, on 23 June 2017, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The agenda, in pdf, is available here.
The event will take place under the High Patronage of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The conference will bring together high-level decision makers from the most relevant institutions in the field of foreign affairs in Romania, diplomats, renowned international experts in the field of Public Diplomacy, as well as relevant actors from the business environment, the academic community, civil society and mass-media. Participants will analyse Romania’s need for a long-term Public Diplomacy strategy and propose adequate solutions. Talks will be anchored in the current regional context and the wider global trends in terms of international relations. Based on the results of the conference researches will issue a white paper which hopes to support the public diplomacy activities and the promotion of Romania’s country image.