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The relationship between ethnic political mobilization and anti-diversity discourse has been brought recently to the public agenda by the series of declaration of important European leaders like Angela Merkel, David Cameron or Nicolas Sarkozy proclaiming the failure of multiculturalism (Salat 2011). Although these statements might have been triggered by extreme-right political pressure, they provided eloquent examples of the anti-diversity discourse on a very high level, sending important signals concerning the salience of the issue in contemporary Europe. Multiculturalism might be dead, but diversity is with us, and asks to be explored, better understood and more efficiently managed.

Our research will focus on the political mobilization of three categories of minorities, each of them representing a distinct cause of diversity in a society: labour migrant communities, ethnic migrants and historical ethnic minorities. Our goal is to identify the patterns of political mobilization of minorities and its links with the emergence of anti-diversity discourse as well as to provide a more diversified and enriched view of the mobilization of minorities in Europe.