The project responds to the limited capacity to conduct education policy research in Romania, in a context where persisting deficiencies of the educational system require corrective interventions at the policy level. It aims to establish a team of researchers who analyze data of the Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA) for Romania, and write and disseminate a policy report based on these analyses.

The Center for the Study of Democracy invites researchers to express their interest in becoming part of the team of experts established within the project “Analyzing educational achievement of 15-Year-Olds in Romania". The project is funded by the Open Society Foundation.

To address these issues, we are looking for experts who:

  • - have a significant and long lasting interest in education policies
  • - have the capacity to analyze quantitative data
  • - have the capacity to work in interdisciplinary teams
  • - cover a broad range of education topics from the perspective of sociology, political sciences, education, economics
  • - have the interest to get engaged in public debates and consultations on educational policies

The project has seven open positions for experts who fulfill the criteria listed above. The experts are expected to contribute to the project activities, that include participation in one conference held in Cluj-Napoca, and a collective volume resulted from documentation and data analysis. The activity extends over 4 months, and is set to start on October 1st, 2016. The remuneration that covers the total of 4 months/expert is 1,200 $ (gross amount).

The interested researchers are invited to express their interest by September 1st, the latest.

Please send your CV and a letter of intent (max. 2 pages), describing your experience and the proposed topic or research that can be addressed by the PISA data.

Contact persons:

Gabriel Badescu:

Daniela Angi:

Andreea Vornicu:

For more details about the activity and projects carried by CSD and ACSD, visit us at